Setting the correct zoom level

Matt Allen
What’s on the radar?
2 min readOct 23, 2016


Recently I’ve had more than a few conversations with people who are questioning their career choices.

During these chats I like to ask “what zoom level are you on right now?” The answer is generally that they’re zoomed right in so they can only see what’s been happening recently.

If you’re zoomed in too far and all you can see is today minus a little bit, it’s easy to feel stressed out. If you’re in a funk, being zoomed in too far might not allow you to see your previous successes, or the impact you’ve had on other people.

When I asked every person I spoke to to zoom out, they paused and smiled and started to talk about the success they’d had previously. They recalled the things they were proud of and immediately became a little happier.

Try zooming out a little to see your bigger picture. I’m sure you’ll remind yourself of the great things you’ve done before and help set yourself a clearer path forward.



Startups at @awscloud. Ex @lookaheadsearch. @teslamotors fanboy. Also @buildkite, @teamhava, @practiceignition, @percy_io & @taggdco